Understand Oils Good For Constipation extra

Oils Good For Constipation


Some oils good for constipation include pumpkin seed oil, sesame seed oil, peanut oil and walnut oil. While a daily spoonful of oil, e.g. sesame oil mixed in warm water, forms a simple, effective home remedy for constipation, this article introduces a way you can use seeds (containing some of the above oils) to make a paste that you can store and eat when necessary.

Remedy Containing Oils Good for Constipation

Pine Seed and Walnut Paste


Raw pine seeds (500 grams), raw walnut kernels (500 grams), candied honey (250 grams).


1. Crush the pine seeds and walnut kernels in a mortar and pestle.

2. Place the seeds/kernels in a bowl and mix in the honey to form a paste.

3. Steam the paste till the seeds are cooked.

4. When cool, store in a sealed jar in the fridge.


Take one tablespoon of paste before breakfast and again before bed. Consume with a small glass of warm-hot (NOT cold) water if you wish. Continue daily till your bowels return to normal.

This paste contains just two oils good for constipation - I have written another EzineArticles.com article about a similar paste made from pumpkin and sesame seeds, for the same purpose of lubricating your intestines to relieve constipation.

Note: For constipation remedies to work well you may need to adjust your diet. In particular your must stop eating colon-clogging junk foods. Some foods to ease constipation include apples, papaya and bananas and vegetables like carrot,
cabbage and leafy green vegetables like spinach. Massage helps with constipation too - the Ab Lift, for instance, (see below link) is a very effective exercise that massages your internal organs and stimulates your bowels.


Matthew Scott is a professionally trained Chinese medicine practitioner from Australia, living in China since 2000. His website http://chinese-holistic-health-exercises.com offers classic, time-tested exercises & techniques to stretch, strengthen, energize, relax, ease pain and improve overall health.

Examine Constipation Problem additional

Constipation Problem

Constipation In Dogs

Help your Pekingese dog with Constipation

When your Pekingese dog has to forcefully defecate, it is understood that the dog is suffering from constipation. From the colon, the feces find it extremely difficult to evacuate and bowel movements become infrequent. This lead to a condition called constipation in dogs. When certain medications are administered or there is indiscretion in the diet, constipation is caused. Just as humans suffer from constipation in the same way, this symptoms are seen in Pekingese dogs. This disorder causes lots of discomfort. It can be treated only by effective and quick treatment.

Constipation Symptoms:Symptoms include putting in a lot of strain to defecate which is nonproductive. If at all the dog defecates, the fecal matter is hard and small. Defecation is very painful resulting to swelling, soreness and redness around the anal area. Since for defecating attempts are made repeatedly, mucus or liquid in small amounts is also discharged in Pekingese dogs. Depression, loss of weight, vomiting, lethargy, scooting, appetite loss, discomfort and bloating of the abdomen are some of the symptoms experienced. If in case the constipation is mild then it gets resolved on its own. Immediate treatment is needed in severe forms of digestive disease.

Constipation Treatment:In certain cases, medical emergency also is needed when dealing with this digestive problem in Pekingese dogs. This problem occurs mainly in old and middle aged dogs. This is due to decrease in activity of the bowels. Constipation is also caused due to lack of water intake. One of the most common causes is dehydration. When you see your dog depressed, as an owner you need to understand that there is a health issue. The dog tends to feel utterly miserable and you will be able to see the discomfort. Consequently the dog becomes ill. Mega-colon and obstipation are the other types of this disease which cannot be tracked very easily. When colon of the dog gets distended to a great extent, it leads to mega-colon. If constipation persists for long periods, it has to be immediately treated.

Constipation Home Remedies:You can try a few home remedies to treat constipation in your little Pekingese dog. Remedy for this digestive diseases includes the addition of methyl cellulose in dog treats, bran or supplements of pumpkin. Methyl cellulose can be given in supplement form as well. Dogs consume just about anything, like bones, sand, sticks etc and hence administering supplements can help greatly. Besides giving the dog lots of fibrous food to eat, make it drink lots of water.

As your Pekingese dog grows older, activity starts reducing leading to this problem. Iron supplements and antihistamines as well as diuretics are highly effective in treating constipation in dogs. If improvement is not seen then you will need to take the dog to the vet for conducting proper diagnosis about constipation.

On Pekingese Dogs Care site you can learn about history and origin. You can use tools, see advices about breeding, feeding, grooming, health etc. Feel free to see more at http://PekingeseDogsCare.com/

Understand Curing Canine Digestive Problems much more

Curing Canine Digestive Problems

Constipation In Dogs

Constipation In Dogs

Curing canine digestion problems doesn't always mean a change in diet. Sometimes even with the healthiest dog food, you need a diarrhea remedy or help to relieve constipation. Find out how to cure these and other dog digestive problems with just two things.

The dog digestive tract can be thrown off by several things. If your canine has been on antibiotics, his intestinal flora (the good bacteria) has been killed along with the bad bacteria and needs to be regenerated.

Powdered forms of probiotics for dogs can be found in the refrigerated section at your local health food store.

Dog probiotics have different bacterial strains than human probiotics. One I recommend is Jarrow Pet Dophilus. Just sprinkle a dose on his or her food at mealtime.

Even if your dog isn't suffering from canine digestion problems, probiotics will give his system a boost and goes on the list of good dog health supplements.

Diarrhea Remedy

The cause of diarrhea in dogs can be from bacteria, a change in food or even dog treats or human snacks. Please read the ingredients in those store-bought dog treats. Many ingredients, flavorings or even food dyes can cause diarrhea, especially if you give more than a few in one day.

So what's a good remedy to keep around the house? Canned pumpkin. Yup. Keep cans of plain pumpkin in the cupboard. It's healthy and has no sugar (because you would never buy the pumpkin pie filling for your dog would you?)

Most dogs love pumpkin. If yours does not, try mixing it with a little ground beef or ground beef and rice.

Constipation in Dogs

Constipation could be something as simple as lack of adequate water, especially if your dog eats a dry commercial dog food. The binding agents, especially in the low quality dog kibbles can make your dog strain.

A sure-fire remedy? Can pumpkin. I know I just told you it would cure diarrhea, but it cures constipation too. Amazing what a natural food can do.

At this writing, the stores are just stalking up on can pumpkin for the winter holidays, so buy it while you can. It's nearly impossible to find in the off-season.

If your dog has chronic digestive problems, consider a change in food. You can learn more about nutritious dog food at: http://www.three-little-pitties.com/dog-nutrition.html

Andrea Partee, after the near death of her dog from a "safe" over-the-counter medication vowed to treat her dogs with only natural remedies, like the human members of her family. She vowed to her three sick dogs to create a website named after them, to educate pet owners who love their dogs enough to learn the truth about what's good and bad for their canine companions. Dedicated to real dog health, you can learn more at Three-Little-Pitties.com

Read through Foods That Relieve Constipation Also Help Prevent Bowel Impaction much more

Foods That Relieve Constipation Also Help Prevent Bowel Impaction


Foods that relieve constipation should be eaten on a regular basis by anyone that has bowel impaction or problems going to the bathroom without straining. Straining when going to the bathroom has actually caused a heart attack in many people over the years.

You do not have to be a victim if you just eat more of the foods that relieve constipation, and less of the foods that cause constipation on a daily basis. A heart attack is not the only health problem you can develop as a result from being constipated.

Chronic Constipation can lead to many other health problems:

--- Bowel Impaction
--- Re-absorption of toxins into the bloodstream
--- Headaches
--- Malnutrition
--- Indigestion
--- Hemorrhoids from straining
--- Varicose veins
--- Diverticulosis
--- Irritability
--- Bowel cancer
--- Auto immune diseases
--- Abdominal pains
--- Depression
--- Weight gain

I know I sure don't want any of the symptoms listed above. If you suffer from any of the symptoms on the list, then you would greatly benefit by eating more of the foods that are on the foods that relieve constipation list below, and avoid doing the things, and eating the foods that cause constipation that I have also listed below.

Foods that relieve constipation

--- Psyllium husks
--- Ground Flax seeds
--- Okra
--- Prunes
--- Dates
--- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
--- Potatoes
--- Lettuce
--- Onions
--- Carrots
--- Green peppers
--- Apples
--- Pears
--- Oranges
--- Grapefruits
--- Grapes
--- Strawberries
--- Beans
--- Other fruits and vegetables

Causes of constipation

--- Eating refined foods like white flour that contain no fiber.
--- Eating a lot of Cheeses
--- Pizza
--- Cookies
--- Drinking sodas and sugary drinks
--- Eating a lot of Meat (meat has no fiber in it)
--- Getting dehydrated
--- Overeating nuts and seeds (soaking Raw nuts overnight in water will help but they are not as tasty)
--- Drugs or Medications
--- Improper diet
--- Not going when you feel the urge and "holding it in" because you are not close to a bathroom or think you are too busy.

Over the years we have discovered that the same foods that relieve constipation, are also the same foods that are very healthy for you. The reason they are so healthy is that they contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and they are high in fiber. Also if you eat them raw (except beans and potatoes) they will also contain living enzymes that aid in digestion.

Let me just go over with you a few of the worst foods to eat if you are trying to relieve constipation.


Cheeses are very clogging to your digestive track. Every time I eat cheese, or meals containing cheese, it feels like my stomach turns into a knot, and I usually feel clogged up with stomach pains for a few days until it has worked his way back out of my system.

However I have been on a healthy diet program for a long time now, so my digestive track is used to processing and eliminating my foods without them getting clogged up in my intestines.

But, if you have been eating cheese and other clogging foods for a long time, you might be used to the feeling of having a clogged up digestive track, and most people in the United States have been eating this way their whole lives so they don't know what it feels like to not have digestive pains of some type.

White bread

Just about every sandwich, every burger on a bun, dinner roles, cakes, cookies, pies, pizza, pasta, and fast food biscuits, can cause constipation, especially if they are eaten alone without enough of the foods that relieve constipation also being eaten at the same meal.

This is because they contain very little fiber in them. Any time you eat constipating type foods, you should balance it out by eating foods that are high in fiber that I have listed above.


Pizza is another food that usually takes a long time to move through the digestive tract. Pizza is also another food that has almost no fiber in. Cheese and white bread are two of the main foods that will clog down your digestive tract. And pizza contains both.

How to avoid constipation:

--- Stay hydrated by drinking enough pure water, raw fruit juices and raw vegetable juices.
--- Stop or cut way down on eating refined foods. (They glue us down inside)
--- Eat a lot more of the foods that relieve constipation that I have listed above.

If you are constipated, then you have food that is stuck in your intestines. This food that is stuck in your intestines starts to rot more and more the longer it is in your body.

Constipation is unhealthy for the body, especially if you are eating toxic, artificial chemical containing foods, or foods that you are intolerant to. Many people have food allergies that they might not know about that can cause many different types of symptoms.

To avoid constipation, make sure that you are not eating refined starches that have had the fiber removed like white rice, pastas, breads, tortillas, and biscuits. Also when eating any type of starch, you want the meal to have enough oil in it. Extra virgin olive or coconut oil are good clean sources of oil to use.

The more oil in the meal the less chance of constipation. But too much oil will zap your energy. Also you will want to eat enough fiber containing vegetables (but not fruits) with any starch-based meal.

If you eat more raw fruit smoothies for breakfast, then the high water content (the pulp of the orange, grapes, or Grapefruit) and the fiber in pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and cranberries should keep things moving and rinsed out.

Also smoothies are blended into a liquid, which also helps to avoid constipation. Another good meal to eat to relieve constipation is to make a soup with many neutral vegetables, add some okra (okra is kind of slippery in texture) and then blend it into an emulsion with some Extra Virgin Olive oil or Coconut oil. These liquid type meals rarely ever get stuck inside your digestive tract.

If you eat more of the foods that relieve constipation, and cut out the constipating ones, you will have better chances of not developing bowel impaction. If you already have bowel impaction, you might be able to slowly reverse it by eating more of the foods that relieve constipation.

What exactly is bowel impaction?

Bowel impaction is where a mass of food gets stuck inside your intestines and turns into a hard lump that doesn't come out. This lump of hard fecal matter then starts to rot. Then other foods that you eat later still has to be eliminated eventually, so they just have to go around the hard mass to get out. Your body might then develop chronic diarrhea to try and deal with the situation.

Bowel impaction can lead to the bowels becoming enlarged, which can then put too much pressure on the veins that are near the colon that are coming from various organs and muscles in the body.

Your organs need a fresh steady blood supply to function properly. You want all of your organs to work as they should if you want to stay healthy. Also high blood pressure can be because you have too many of your veins being pinched off. This is how varicose veins are formed. This is also how hemorrhoids are formed.

Just think of a water hose, if you pinch of the end of it, the pressure builds up and makes the hose expand. If you have high blood pressure because of veins being pinched off, then your heart will have to work harder to pump the blood through them.

By eating more of the foods that relieve constipation on a daily basis, you will feel better, you will become more regular in your bowel movements, and you will not have to worry as much about developing a more serious disease in the future that is caused from being chronically constipated.

I know that eating refined foods, candy, cakes, crackers, cheese, and pizzas are very tasty, but they cause constipation in many people. It is just not worth it to destroy our health by eating an unhealthy diet on a consistent basis. Also, once you cut out all the junk, and only eat healthy foods for a period of time, your taste buds will adapt, and the healthy foods will actually start to taste good.

Click here to receive a free 7-day mini-course on digestive chemistry by email.

This avoid constipation mini-course focuses on eating more of the foods that relieve constipation, but it also explains how to properly combine them into digestively compatible food combinations, and how to cycle through different phases of eating for optimal digestion.

About the author:

Teddy Grandy is the author of "The Digestive Chemistry Diet." His diet program is very effective for reversing many types of digestive problems. His book is written from his own personal experience of his search for the answers to his minor health problems. It is the product of over 7 years of research, trial and error, and keeping a detailed food journal.

He has figured out how to reverse his acne, lose the last 20 pounds of fat on his body, increase his energy levels, and get rid of other minor health issues like gas pains, constipation, headaches, itchy skin, chronic fatigue, and chronic diarrhea. He has fixed his health problems by changing his diet only, and without the help of any drugs what so ever. He is also a Certified Personal Trainer, by The National Academy of Sports Medicine. One woman even lost 60 pounds in only 20 weeks (without exercise) on his diet program.

Go through Dog Constipation Remedies far more

I know that you are reading this article because you want to know the remedies for dog constipation, but before we go to that, let's define constipation. Constipation is a digestive system disease which is characterize by difficulty in defecation. It may be food retention in the intestine for 2 to 3 days, hormonal hay wire, and parasitism.

Food retention in the intestine is normally caused after large meals or when our dog sneaks into her dog food. When this happens your dog will have a stomach bloat. Stomach bloat obstruct the intestinal canal of your dog because of high fermentation that is happening, the food stuff tends to expand then harden because of the nitrogenous gas that mixed along with it making your dog constipated for 2 to 3 days.


Give your dog fresh or lukewarm water to drink on throughout the day to help food digestion.
Give your dog a juice of aloe plant which is a natural laxative that is good for your dog

If the 2 mentioned above doesn't work, try the generic drug remedies such as methelcellulose and docatase as a powerful laxatives.

Hormonal hay wire causes dog constipation and you may ask why? Pregnant dogs are prone to constipation because during pregnancy the level of progesterone increases, the effect of this hormone is to make sure that there is a steady blood supply flow in the uterus and the set back is that the movement of the intestine becomes slow because of the diversion of blood supply. Relax intestine means, the flow of the food also becomes slow making pregnant dog constipated. Generally constipation is easy to treat but when your dog is pregnant that could be difficult.


Give your dog an ample amount of water before meals and in between meals.
Use wet dog food.Give your dog a cooked food for easy digestion and to avoid more constipation.
Give your dog a juice of aloe plant which is a natural laxative that is good for your dog.

Parasitism can cause constipation by obstruction of food and the parasite itself. Too many intestinal parasite (round worm, flat worms and pinworm) post a problem to your dog aside from its competition for nutrition. Intestinal parasite makes the situation worst by giving your dog constipation. Giving for dog a powerful anti parasitic drug is a big no, because if the parasite dies inside the intestine of your dog they will eventually cause more constipation.


Give your dog a lukewarm water every meal.
Use a potent anti parasitic drug that will only knock out the parasite.
Use a powerful laxative such as methelcellulose and docatase to void out the parasite along with the stool.

Constipation pose a serious trouble to dogs if we do not know the real cause of the problem, the best way to avoid this, is by making sure that dogs are constantly de-wormed, giving wet dog food and by giving water after meals. These collective effort shows how much we love and value our dog.

Constipation In Dogs

I am a newbie in ezine.com and I am writing just for fun. Here is a website that deals with pet's care and any related topics about pet.


Dog Constipation Remedies

Examine How to Manage Constipation far more

How to Manage Constipation


What can you do to manage constipation?

Man has been using synthetic, chemical compounds in food and for medicine for only 100 years.

Check the food you eat.
Packaged, preserved and fast food contain chemicals that preserve it for "shelf life" at the supermarket and at home, flavor it, color it, may interfere with digestion, may be putting your digestive tract to sleep or poisoning your body straight away. Cutting back on processed, package foods, fast food lunches is important when you are beginning to manage constipation. Packing a lunch from home is not very glamorous but it is a very good alternative.

Check the medicines you take.
Medicines that you take for another problem might cause constipation-ask your doctor (or search the internet) if your prescriptions might be at fault. They include pain pills, pills with codeine in them, some antacids, iron pills, diuretics (water pills), and medicines for depression. Ask you Doctor if there is an alternative prescriptive medicine to help you manage your constipation. Don't forget the over the counter medicines either. They can play a role, too.

Use OTC and prescriptive laxatives as a last resort and only under professional advice.
Laxatives (in any form) are medicines that will make you pass a stool. Your doctor may recommend laxatives for a limited time. Be advised: The FDA is warning consumers not to use oral sodium phosphate (OSP) bowel cleanser products because of the risk of acute kidney injury. These products are routinely used as bowel cleansers before colon examinations, other medical procedures and in OTC (over-the-counter) products for bowel cleansing.

Man has been using herbs for food and medicine since the dawn of time.

Functional constipation means that the bowel is healthy but not working properly. It is often the result of poor dietary habits and lifestyle. Changing what you eat, what you drink and how much you exercise will help relieve and prevent constipation. Here are some positive steps you can take to manage your constipation:

Eat more fiber.
Fiber helps form soft, bulky stool. It is found in many fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. One good suggestion is "The Perfect Breakfast". It is easy, tastes great, gives you a terrific start in the morning, helps with cholesterol, high blood pressure and constipation. NOTE: Be sure to add fiber a little at a time, so your body gets used to it slowly.

Limit white flour foods, dairy, sugar, starches and starchy vegetables.
Foods that have little or no fiber such as ice cream, cheese, meat, snacks like chips and pizza, and processed foods such as instant mashed potatoes or already-prepared frozen dinners have little or no fiber and can make the situation worse. One of the first questions is: What do I cook? Here are 10 recipes that are great tasting and easy to prepare. They are a terrific way to painlessly manage constipation and eat your way to regularity.

Drink plenty of water, eat lighter meals and soups.
Liquid helps keep the stool soft and easy to pass, so it's important to drink enough fluids. The formula for water is: drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces (up to a maximum of 128 ounces) every day. NOTE: Try not to drink liquids that contain sugar, caffeine or alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol tend to dry out your digestive system.

Get more exercise.
Regular exercise helps your digestive system stay active and healthy. You don't need to become a great athlete. A 20- to 30-minute walk every day may help.

Allow yourself enough time to have a bowel movement.
Sometimes we feel so hurried that we don't pay attention to our body's needs. Make sure you don't ignore the urge to have a bowel movement, and then allow enough time for it to happen.

Choose a natural nutraceutical supplement to promote bowel function or a natural, thorough whole body cleanse to sweep away the years of accumulation, restore balance and function.

These simple steps, along with a natural night cleanser, can help you manage constipation and, depending on your commitment to changing the things that are causing the problem in the first place, support regularity.

Frank Lucas is a Nutraceutical health expert with decades of experience in preventative health care, supplement creation, and nutraceutical medicine. Visit Nupro.net for a list of Nutraceutical Supplements that fit your needs. For more information on Constipation Management please visit the website.

Read Constipation During Pregnancy extra

A common term used to describe pregnancy and childbirth is "miraculous". In preparation for birth, a pregnant woman's body changes in amazing ways. This also involves the common problem of constipation. This makes a woman feel less than miraculous. This article discusses the problem of constipation and offers some solutions.

Different people have different definitions of constipation. Some people feel bloated, or pass small, rabbit-like stools. Others have to strain when having a bowel movement. Medically, constipation is known as having fewer than three bowel movements a week.

Constipation is very common during pregnancy and in the days after delivering a baby. Some women have very painful bowel movements when they have had an episiotomy (torn rectal tissue that has been repaired). These women consciously, or unconsciously, hold on to their stool. Other women who have had a caesarean section delivery can have her bowel movement temporary paralyzed. This is known as an ileus.

Discussed below some helpful hints to alleviate or prevent constipation. The first tip is to exercise daily. Exercise is very helpful in preventing constipation. Even light to moderate walking helps to loosen bowels and will help to make you feel less bloated.

Drink lots of fluids. During pregnancy, water absorbed from your intestine into your blood is increased. Pregnant women need to drink an increased amount of water to keep their intestines and their babies healthy. At the minimum, you will need ten, 8-ounce glasses of water. If it is hot and/or humid, you may need even more fluid. Keeping your body hydrated with water will help to prevent constipation.

Ensure that you taking the appropriate calcium and vitamin supplements. Some supplements cause bloating and constipation. Studies have shown that the best calcium supplements are those that easily dissolve in the pH of vinegar. These include the brands TUMS and Calcitrate. Antacids that have aluminum are very constipating so be sure to avoid those.

Prenatal vitamins, specifically formulated for pregnant women, are tolerated best by the digestive tract. These cause less nausea and bloating. Prenatal vitamins have iron, folate and B vitamins that are essential when you are pregnant.

Some women need to take a stool softener to relieve constipation. These work as a surfactant to decrease the wall tension between the colon and the stool. These act mainly to keep the stool soft for natural and easy passage. An important attribute is that the stool softener is not habit forming.

A natural remedy is to alternate between hot and cold food and beverages. A simple option is to drink a cold fluid or to eat ice chips and then drink a warm fluid, such as tea. Many pregnant women prefer decaffeinated tea in this case. Alternating between hot and cold helps to stimulate and tone the bowel. Another good feature of this exercise is that this helps to pass gas.

Some women must remain on bed rest for all or part of their pregnancy. If this is the case, an incentive spirometer (a device that is used by inhaling deeply, which raises balls or creates bubbles depending on the model) is mandatory to keep your lungs clear and to keep your bowels moving. The medical apparatus cannot be over used. It is generally advised to use it every ten minutes.

Hopefully these tips will help with constipation during pregnancy. It is important to consult your doctor regarding your constipation. She can investigate further to see if a medical condition, such as a thyroid problem, has developed during pregnancy and cause your constipation. Chances are it is just a nagging problem that comes with your pregnancy and your constipation will clear up post partum.


Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Constipation [http://constipation-guides.com/]

Constipation During Pregnancy


Examine Dog Intussusception extra

Dog Intussusception

Constipation In Dogs

Constipation In Dogs

Dog intussusception can be quite a painful experience for your dog, can be an irritating nuisance cause them not to eat or drink and make the generally feel unwell, and can be easily mixed up with many other more common conditions such as dog constipation or straining to pass feces.

As complicated as the name might suggest this condition is, in simple terms intussusception begins with a mild case of diarrhea or vomiting. This in its self is normally harmless to your dog long term and nothing more would be thought of this in any normal dog home, but as the contractions of the vomiting or diarrhea get worse it is possible that the muscles in the lower intestines contract so hard that they overlap each other or go inside each other.

This happens because within the lower intestines there is a series of smaller muscles that contract and detract so that the food is slowly passed along the intestines. But when your dog has the unfortunate condition of diarrhea or vomiting caused by another none related and usually common condition, it contracts rapidly as the body panics to try and get rid of the offending items or poisons.

After the overlapping process has happened it then causes more trouble because the following food that is being passed through the intestines becomes trapped in the alcove o the overlapped part. Then as you might expect the food pushes and pushes away at the sides making the alcove bigger and bigger containing all the stale and hardened food as well as causing blood flow problems and irritation.

This is not a very common occurrence in dogs but is none the less very irritating and painful for the dog in question and may cause constant retching to vomit and pass waste along with generally feeling unwell and uncomfortable enough to not eat or drink in most cases.

Surgery is usually the way your vet will fix dog intussusception by going into the effected area and pulling the two overlapping part apart and releasing and removing the contained waste to ensure a normal passage in the future.

This procedure should always be dealt with by a vet or professional in the dog health area, if you suspect this then ring your vet and ask for further advice and guidance which usually results in a check-up to identify the condition and deal with it appropriately.

For more information on Dog Intussusception take a look at this Dog Training website.

Improve rankings and trade links with www.Dog-behavior-Training.co.uk by emailing us at our contact page.

Read Constipation Remedies for Breastfed Babies far more

If you thumb through most books about breastfeeding, you are not likely to find a section on constipation. This is because true constipation in a fully breastfed baby is very rare. In fact, most experts agree that if a breastfed baby is constipated, there is something medically wrong.

Breast milk is a natural laxative; however a breastfed infant may become constipated due to the introduction of foods or formula. Formula in particular is constipating. If you have recently started giving your baby formula, this may be the reason for the constipation. The single best remedy is simply more breast milk.

Reasons for constipation in a breastfed baby:

1. Illness that requires medical care (call your doctor!)

2. Formula consumption

3. Starting solids


1. The American Academy of Family Physicians defines constipation as a delay or difficulty in defecation (pooping) for more than two weeks. In a newborn (less than 6 weeks old), the AAFP recommends that parents contact their physician if their infant has had fewer than five bowel movements per week over a two-week period

2. Hard, pebble-like stools

3. Excessive straining and crying in pain. Some straining, grunting, and fussing is normal. Babies are learning how their bodies work. Grunting, straining, and fussing that results in a soft bowel movement is not constipation and does not need to be treated.

Remedy/Treatment for babies younger than 6 months:

1. If you have been exclusively breastfeeding, call your doctor right away. This could be a sign of a more serious problem and your baby needs to be evaluated by your health care professional. Constipation along with weakness, a weak cry, and reduced eating could indicate botulism. While very rare, this is a life threatening disorder and requires prompt medical care.

2. If you were providing formula as a supplement, but mostly breastfeeding, stop giving the formula and exclusively breastfeed. Cow's milk protein is very irritating to a baby's tummy and intestines. Providing only breast milk will help sooth that irritation.

3. If you have been formula feeding, start breastfeeding (if your baby is less than 2 weeks old) or get the help of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to re-lactate. Even if you have never breastfed before, you will most likely be able to produce milk. If breastfeeding is simply not an option for you, use donor breast milk. You can either contact a milk bank (this could be expensive) or you can ask a trusted friend or family member for some of her milk.

Some health care providers discourage using un-processed breast milk since you could be exposing your baby to drugs or illness through the donor milk. However, if you trust this person and their baby is healthy, you most likely have nothing to worry about. This could be a great use for the frozen breast milk of friends who aren't sure what to do with their surplus supply. While you can try an alternate formula, they are not derived from human milk, therefore it is likely the problem will not be solved or could even get worse.

Babies older than 6 months:

1. More breast milk! If you are in the process of weaning, go back up on the number of feedings per day until the problem resolves. Back down on how much food or formula you are giving. See a Registered Dietitian to discuss solid foods that are less constipating for your baby.

2. Time. Usually, constipation will go away without any help from special foods or medications. Although there are over the counter treatments for constipation, talk to your health care provider before using them. Repeated bouts of constipation can be a sign of a more serious problem.

3. If you are certain it is constipation and you have approval from your health care provider, the American Academy of Family Physicians states that "Parents may give infants 1 oz of sorbitol-containing juice (such as prune, pear, or apple) to treat constipation." This should only be given to babies over the age of 6 months.

4. Some health care providers recommend giving corn syrup for constipation. This is not necessary as the other treatment options mentioned will usually work better. However, if you do decide to give your baby corn syrup, put 1 teaspoon in 2 oz. of water. Do not put the syrup directly into formula or pumped breast milk. Corn syrup works by drawing water into the intestines and stimulating the intestine to move stool on through. It is easy to overdo the corn syrup and cause diarrhea and electrolyte imbalance. Both of these problems can be harmful to your baby.





Julie Morgan is a Registered Dietitian and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She specializes in breastfeeding support for the military community. You can learn more about Julie and about breastfeeding at her web site [http://www.brilliantbreastfeeding.com/]

Constipation Remedies for Breastfed Babies


Study Dog Constipation: Symptoms and Treatment a lot more

For a dog lover, dog's health is a very important issue. If your dog does not defecate regularly, at least once in two days, then it indicates constipation. Severe constipation results in inflammation of colon or large intestine. Hence, the dog may experience acute pain in the stomach and start whining excessively. If you see blood oozing out, then there is a high chance of colon damage. However, if you see watery or blood stools, it may be due to infection than constipation.

Constipation should be treated immediately in order to avoid further complications like indigestion, bowel cancer, stomach bloating, obesity, bad breath, body odor, flatulence and skin problems.

• Inadequate water intake
• Problems with bowel movement
• Dehydration
• Unhealthy diet like excessive consumption of processed dog foods with low fiber content
• Less physical activity
• Adverse side effects due to medication
• Consumption of indigestible particles

• Signs of discomfort and restlessness
• Trouble walking
• Excessive whining or stress
• General lethargy or fatigue
• Decreased rate of activity
• Appetite loss
• Reluctant behavior
• Abnormal gait

• Take him to the veterinarian to find out whether there are any serious medical disorders. You may be asked to give certain food supplements to treat constipation
• Feed pumpkin, raw meat and wheat
• Increase foods rich in fiber content gradually
• Ensure that he drinks lot of water to avoid dehydration
• Limit the amount of protein rich foods, refined sugar or flour, dairy products and other highly processed foods
• Avoid foods like chocolate, ice cream, rice, cookies, pastries and bread.

Kum Martin is an online leading expert in animal care. He also offers top quality articles like: Dog Agility Training, Best Dog Food

Dog Constipation: Symptoms and Treatment

Constipation In Dogs

Go through Foods That Relieve Constipation Also Help Prevent Bowel Impaction more

Foods that relieve constipation should be eaten on a regular basis by anyone that has bowel impaction or problems going to the bathroom without straining. Straining when going to the bathroom has actually caused a heart attack in many people over the years.

You do not have to be a victim if you just eat more of the foods that relieve constipation, and less of the foods that cause constipation on a daily basis. A heart attack is not the only health problem you can develop as a result from being constipated.

Chronic Constipation can lead to many other health problems:

--- Bowel Impaction
--- Re-absorption of toxins into the bloodstream
--- Headaches
--- Malnutrition
--- Indigestion
--- Hemorrhoids from straining
--- Varicose veins
--- Diverticulosis
--- Irritability
--- Bowel cancer
--- Auto immune diseases
--- Abdominal pains
--- Depression
--- Weight gain

I know I sure don't want any of the symptoms listed above. If you suffer from any of the symptoms on the list, then you would greatly benefit by eating more of the foods that are on the foods that relieve constipation list below, and avoid doing the things, and eating the foods that cause constipation that I have also listed below.

Foods that relieve constipation

--- Psyllium husks
--- Ground Flax seeds
--- Okra
--- Prunes
--- Dates
--- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
--- Potatoes
--- Lettuce
--- Onions
--- Carrots
--- Green peppers
--- Apples
--- Pears
--- Oranges
--- Grapefruits
--- Grapes
--- Strawberries
--- Beans
--- Other fruits and vegetables

Causes of constipation

--- Eating refined foods like white flour that contain no fiber.
--- Eating a lot of Cheeses
--- Pizza
--- Cookies
--- Drinking sodas and sugary drinks
--- Eating a lot of Meat (meat has no fiber in it)
--- Getting dehydrated
--- Overeating nuts and seeds (soaking Raw nuts overnight in water will help but they are not as tasty)
--- Drugs or Medications
--- Improper diet
--- Not going when you feel the urge and "holding it in" because you are not close to a bathroom or think you are too busy.

Over the years we have discovered that the same foods that relieve constipation, are also the same foods that are very healthy for you. The reason they are so healthy is that they contain vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and they are high in fiber. Also if you eat them raw (except beans and potatoes) they will also contain living enzymes that aid in digestion.

Let me just go over with you a few of the worst foods to eat if you are trying to relieve constipation.


Cheeses are very clogging to your digestive track. Every time I eat cheese, or meals containing cheese, it feels like my stomach turns into a knot, and I usually feel clogged up with stomach pains for a few days until it has worked his way back out of my system.

However I have been on a healthy diet program for a long time now, so my digestive track is used to processing and eliminating my foods without them getting clogged up in my intestines.

But, if you have been eating cheese and other clogging foods for a long time, you might be used to the feeling of having a clogged up digestive track, and most people in the United States have been eating this way their whole lives so they don't know what it feels like to not have digestive pains of some type.

White bread

Just about every sandwich, every burger on a bun, dinner roles, cakes, cookies, pies, pizza, pasta, and fast food biscuits, can cause constipation, especially if they are eaten alone without enough of the foods that relieve constipation also being eaten at the same meal.

This is because they contain very little fiber in them. Any time you eat constipating type foods, you should balance it out by eating foods that are high in fiber that I have listed above.


Pizza is another food that usually takes a long time to move through the digestive tract. Pizza is also another food that has almost no fiber in. Cheese and white bread are two of the main foods that will clog down your digestive tract. And pizza contains both.

How to avoid constipation:

--- Stay hydrated by drinking enough pure water, raw fruit juices and raw vegetable juices.
--- Stop or cut way down on eating refined foods. (They glue us down inside)
--- Eat a lot more of the foods that relieve constipation that I have listed above.

If you are constipated, then you have food that is stuck in your intestines. This food that is stuck in your intestines starts to rot more and more the longer it is in your body.

Constipation is unhealthy for the body, especially if you are eating toxic, artificial chemical containing foods, or foods that you are intolerant to. Many people have food allergies that they might not know about that can cause many different types of symptoms.

To avoid constipation, make sure that you are not eating refined starches that have had the fiber removed like white rice, pastas, breads, tortillas, and biscuits. Also when eating any type of starch, you want the meal to have enough oil in it. Extra virgin olive or coconut oil are good clean sources of oil to use.

The more oil in the meal the less chance of constipation. But too much oil will zap your energy. Also you will want to eat enough fiber containing vegetables (but not fruits) with any starch-based meal.

If you eat more raw fruit smoothies for breakfast, then the high water content (the pulp of the orange, grapes, or Grapefruit) and the fiber in pears, apples, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and cranberries should keep things moving and rinsed out.

Also smoothies are blended into a liquid, which also helps to avoid constipation. Another good meal to eat to relieve constipation is to make a soup with many neutral vegetables, add some okra (okra is kind of slippery in texture) and then blend it into an emulsion with some Extra Virgin Olive oil or Coconut oil. These liquid type meals rarely ever get stuck inside your digestive tract.

If you eat more of the foods that relieve constipation, and cut out the constipating ones, you will have better chances of not developing bowel impaction. If you already have bowel impaction, you might be able to slowly reverse it by eating more of the foods that relieve constipation.

What exactly is bowel impaction?

Bowel impaction is where a mass of food gets stuck inside your intestines and turns into a hard lump that doesn't come out. This lump of hard fecal matter then starts to rot. Then other foods that you eat later still has to be eliminated eventually, so they just have to go around the hard mass to get out. Your body might then develop chronic diarrhea to try and deal with the situation.

Bowel impaction can lead to the bowels becoming enlarged, which can then put too much pressure on the veins that are near the colon that are coming from various organs and muscles in the body.

Your organs need a fresh steady blood supply to function properly. You want all of your organs to work as they should if you want to stay healthy. Also high blood pressure can be because you have too many of your veins being pinched off. This is how varicose veins are formed. This is also how hemorrhoids are formed.

Just think of a water hose, if you pinch of the end of it, the pressure builds up and makes the hose expand. If you have high blood pressure because of veins being pinched off, then your heart will have to work harder to pump the blood through them.

By eating more of the foods that relieve constipation on a daily basis, you will feel better, you will become more regular in your bowel movements, and you will not have to worry as much about developing a more serious disease in the future that is caused from being chronically constipated.

I know that eating refined foods, candy, cakes, crackers, cheese, and pizzas are very tasty, but they cause constipation in many people. It is just not worth it to destroy our health by eating an unhealthy diet on a consistent basis. Also, once you cut out all the junk, and only eat healthy foods for a period of time, your taste buds will adapt, and the healthy foods will actually start to taste good.


Click here to receive a free 7-day mini-course on digestive chemistry by email.

This avoid constipation mini-course focuses on eating more of the foods that relieve constipation, but it also explains how to properly combine them into digestively compatible food combinations, and how to cycle through different phases of eating for optimal digestion.

About the author:

Teddy Grandy is the author of "The Digestive Chemistry Diet." His diet program is very effective for reversing many types of digestive problems. His book is written from his own personal experience of his search for the answers to his minor health problems. It is the product of over 7 years of research, trial and error, and keeping a detailed food journal.

He has figured out how to reverse his acne, lose the last 20 pounds of fat on his body, increase his energy levels, and get rid of other minor health issues like gas pains, constipation, headaches, itchy skin, chronic fatigue, and chronic diarrhea. He has fixed his health problems by changing his diet only, and without the help of any drugs what so ever. He is also a Certified Personal Trainer, by The National Academy of Sports Medicine. One woman even lost 60 pounds in only 20 weeks (without exercise) on his diet program.

Foods That Relieve Constipation Also Help Prevent Bowel Impaction


Examine Causes Of Constipation much more


Most persons have suffered from Constipation at one time or other, due to change of diet, travel, surgery, medication, stress or many other simple causes. These are temporary bouts and correct themselves when properly settled in.

Next in line is Constipation which is treatable with laxatives and changes in life style. The causes of this medium-term Constipation include a low-fiber and high-fat diet (dairy products, meats and eggs), not drinking enough liquids, excessive use of dehydrating liquids like coffee, tea, cola and alcohol, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, usage of medications like antacids, antidepressants, antispasmodic drugs, iron tablets, anticonvulsant drugs, painkillers or prolonged medication for some other chronic condition which causes Constipation as a side effect, old age, pregnancy, abuse of laxatives and repeatedly refraining from having a bowel movement when the urge is there (for example, due to continuous travel or in order to avoid using public toilets).

Chronic Constipation is a long-term problem, which can be divided into diseases that directly affect the GI tract and cause the problem, and diseases elsewhere in the body, which cause Constipation. Problems of the GI tract include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic idopatic intestinal pseudo obstruction, intestinal obstruction (scar tissue, diverticulosis, tumors, colorectal stricture, Hirschsprung's disease and cancer), colonic inertia and delayed transit (the colon muscles do not push the stool with normal strength and the movement of the stool is delayed), anorectal dysfunction (this condition prevents the rectal muscles from relaxing to pass the stool) and structural problems (anal fissures, hemorrhoids, strictures, tumors, rectal prolepses, fistulae, stenosis and rectede).

Most of the above problems need specialized equipment and tests. Disorders with other parts of body which cause Constipation are neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke and spinal cord injuries, metabolic and endocrine problems like diabetes, uremia, hypercalemia, amyloidosis and scleroderma.

Constipation [http://www.WetPluto.com/Cat-Constipation.html] provides detailed information about constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is the sister site of Osteoarthritis Web [http://www.WetPluto.com/Hip-Osteoarthritis.html].

Causes Of Constipation


Go through Four Simple Tips to Solve Chronic Constipation Problems extra

Do you have problems with chronic constipation? Surprisingly enough you've found just the right article for you. After you're done with this article you should be able to determine if you are experiencing constipation and the best constipation treatment for your body.

The key to understanding constipation causes is by recognizing that the pain and discomfort you are feeling is a symptom of disruption in your digestion process.

Constipation is not a disease. What's more, almost everyone experiences problems within the digestive system at some point in their lives.

That means you are not alone. And truthfully, constipation is a temporary problem.

With proper, effective constipation treatment, signs and symptoms will subside within a matter of days.

Plus, we'll also cover constipation remedies that will give you relief almost instantaneously.

As you might have guessed, chronic constipation by definition is having three or less bowel movements for three months or longer. But what it really boils down to is learning how your colon (large intestine) works in relation to the digestive process.

Most digestion and absorption happens before it hits the large intestine. What's left, primarily fiber, spends a large amount of time in your large intestine than in any other part of the body during digestion.

Here's the deal: It takes between 30 minutes and two hours for food to move through the stomach. After that, over the next two to six hours, food will travel through your small intestine. Finally, food sits for from six to 72 hours inside your large intestine before it's finally removed by defecation.

With that being said, the secret to your constipation cause is lack of fiber. Your colon uses fiber to generate nutrients vital to your digestive health. Without enough fiber, your stools become hardened and difficult to pass.

So you'll be glad to know that there are some simple constipation remedies you can begin using today to get rid of the pain and discomfort you are plagued with here.

Let's begin:

(1) Stool Softeners: This constipation treatment is ideal for those who find themselves straining to pass a bowel movement. The stool softener you choose should give your bowel the hydration it needs to soften and pass through body easily.

(2) More Fiber: The recommended daily dosage of fiber is between 20 and 35 grams every single day to aid in digestion and form soft, bulky stools. When you consider changing your diet, think in terms of high fiber foods like whole grains, beans, bran cereals, fresh fruits and veggies. Reach for asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and carrots. Avoid ice cream, cheese, eggs, meat and processed foods.

(3) Lifestyle and Habit Changes: Do you find yourself resisting the urge to have a bowel movement? When you consistently ignore your body's urging to have a bowel movement, over time, you will stop feeling the need to have one.

(4) Relax-Relieve Stress: Your emotional health is a critical component to your physical health. In fact they go hand in hand. So spend time relaxing and alleviate stress in any way possible.

With the tips listed here, you can keep on moving closer toward ending chronic constipation forever. Step back and see what changes you need to make and then do it. Take control of your health.


Make sure to visit my blog http://www.constipation-remedies.net for helpful tips and advice on Constipation Remedies and much more!

Four Simple Tips to Solve Chronic Constipation Problems

Read The Truth About Constipation Revealed! extra


Constipation is another great problem which can leave people very frustrated and disturbed. It is basically when someone has got less than three bowel functions in one week. There is no restriction to age and gender when it comes to constipation. But if you are one of those frustrated chaps then you must understand what causes constipation.

If you are able to detect what causes constipation then you would be very easily able to solve the problem yourself without any help or guidance. There are a few things that cause constipation in a person. These can be lack of physical activity, lack of fibrous food, dairy items, and lack of water, irregular eating problems, too much fatigue or stress. It has also been observed that constipation can also be the side effect of any medication that you are taking.

There are also some people who have got constipation which is because their severe illness they are suffering from. Diseases like cancer, tumor and other illnesses can cause constipation in the patients.

Constipation remedies are also available for those people who have got serious problem in their bowel movements. But there are certain things that you can do in order to stay safe from severe constipation. You would be able to control the extent of constipation by a great level if you can alter your lifestyle. Try to add some regular exercise in to your everyday routine. You also need to eat more fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber content. It would help you greatly in your bowel movement and you would feel more relaxed.

Constipation remedies also include eating and chewing your food properly so that your food gets digested easily and your system does not have to work much on it. When it would be easier to digest then it would even be easier to pass it out off your body regularly.

So you need to understand what is actually causing you to be so constipated and you can then try to resolve the issue by altering things. It is not much a deal if you are not going through some illness. It all revolves around a healthy lifestyle. If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle then you would be able to make your system safe from various kinds of illness. So think about where you are going wrong and you would be able to make your own constipation remedies.

Effendy Lie is a professional writer and a researcher. He keens to assist those who are trying to find a great way to improve their health. If you are looking for more information about constipation, check out his personal blog about Constipation Remedies [http://www.licensetohealth.com/constipation] at [http://www.licensetohealth.com] to transform your life today!

The Truth About Constipation Revealed!

Understand Training a Dog Is Very Important more

Dogs are one of the most sought after pets by everybody. They are liked by almost everybody and anybody who wants a pet would have a dog as their first choice. One reason why somebody would like to have a dog as a pet is because it is very loyal to its owner. It would not abandon its owner at any point of time, no matter what. In fact, if you properly concentrate on training a dog, you would be able to ensure that it can be a lot of help for you. You would be able to train it to do various things.

For example, let us take the case of a blind man who needs help to go from one place to another. He would not be able to do so with the help of just a stick. In fact, it can become very dangerous as well because the motorists would not be able to recognise that he is blind and would simply speed past him. But if a dog is trained to lead its master and cross the roads safely, then it would be a lot of help for the blind man. He would be able to walk on the roads a lot more safely. That is one of the advantages of training a dog.

Training a dog has other advantages as well. If you train your dog to repel all unwanted visitors, then you can be sure that your house would be almost burglar proof. If there is anybody approaching the house, especially at night, then your dog would make sure that it warns you immediately so that you would be able to react immediately. If the person is somebody you know, then there would be no harm done. But if it is really a burglar, then your house would be protected.

There is one other reason why training a dog is important. You need to ensure that the aggressive instincts of the dog are smoothed out so that it does not harm anybody innocent. Untrained dogs do not generally make a distinction between people who need to be barked at and people who should be left alone. Only if you teach the dog the difference between the two would it be able to stop itself? Otherwise, it could become a major problem as a lot of people could get hurt because of these aggressive instincts.

In fact, if you do not train your dog properly, you would not be able to protect your own family members from it. It would not be good for you if your own dog bites your family members. If you want to ensure that the members of your house are treated the same way as you are treated by your dog, then you need to train it well. Other than that there would not be any further problems with your dog. The only thing you would need to do is to ensure that your dog is disciplined and curtails all aggressive behaviour.

Constipation In Dogs
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Training a Dog Is Very Important

Understand The Truth About Constipation Revealed! more

Constipation is another great problem which can leave people very frustrated and disturbed. It is basically when someone has got less than three bowel functions in one week. There is no restriction to age and gender when it comes to constipation. But if you are one of those frustrated chaps then you must understand what causes constipation.

If you are able to detect what causes constipation then you would be very easily able to solve the problem yourself without any help or guidance. There are a few things that cause constipation in a person. These can be lack of physical activity, lack of fibrous food, dairy items, and lack of water, irregular eating problems, too much fatigue or stress. It has also been observed that constipation can also be the side effect of any medication that you are taking.

There are also some people who have got constipation which is because their severe illness they are suffering from. Diseases like cancer, tumor and other illnesses can cause constipation in the patients.

Constipation remedies are also available for those people who have got serious problem in their bowel movements. But there are certain things that you can do in order to stay safe from severe constipation. You would be able to control the extent of constipation by a great level if you can alter your lifestyle. Try to add some regular exercise in to your everyday routine. You also need to eat more fruits and vegetables which are high in fiber content. It would help you greatly in your bowel movement and you would feel more relaxed.

Constipation remedies also include eating and chewing your food properly so that your food gets digested easily and your system does not have to work much on it. When it would be easier to digest then it would even be easier to pass it out off your body regularly.

So you need to understand what is actually causing you to be so constipated and you can then try to resolve the issue by altering things. It is not much a deal if you are not going through some illness. It all revolves around a healthy lifestyle. If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle then you would be able to make your system safe from various kinds of illness. So think about where you are going wrong and you would be able to make your own constipation remedies.

Effendy Lie is a professional writer and a researcher. He keens to assist those who are trying to find a great way to improve their health. If you are looking for more information about constipation, check out his personal blog about Constipation Remedies [http://www.licensetohealth.com/constipation] at [http://www.licensetohealth.com] to transform your life today!

The Truth About Constipation Revealed!


Examine Constipation Home Remedies Using Juices far more

Apple Juice, Figs and Raisins

Here's another constipation home remedy using apple juice with other fruit. Eat it the first thing in the morning before breakfast.

In a blender, put in a cup of fresh apple juice. Add equal amounts of dry or fresh figs and raisins and a small organic apple. Choose how many figs and raisins to use. You will need to experiment a little. Get a consistency that is not too thick. Add a little more apple juice if needed.

Eat this home remedy for a few days until you start to get some relief from your constipation.

Oat Milk with Fig Juice or Prune Juice

Buy oat milk at the health food store. In the morning, warn 8 oz of oat milk and add the following:

* 3 oz of fig juice or prune juice
* two droppers full of licorice extract.

Or you can mix one glass of 50% fig juice and 50% prune juice. Drink this first thing in the morning. This powerful home remedy will get your bowels moving. Drink this combination first thing in the morning.

Stewed Figs

Take 10 - 12 calimyma figs and stew them in two glasses of distilled water (16 oz) for 10 minutes. Let them sit in this water overnight.

In the morning remove the figs, warm and drink the juice. Eat the figs though out the day.

Or prepare a blended drink of,

* three or more figs, fresh or sun dried
* one banana
* 1 tablespoon of honey or molasses
* one cup of rice dream

Drink first thing in the morning and any time after lunch or dinner.

The following juices provide you with some powerful constipation home remedies that you can use right away.

Mulberry Juice

Mulberry juice has many health benefits. It is good for digestive tract illnesses. It can stimulate digestion and assimilation of nutrients in the small intestine. It is useful for older people for reliving constipation.

Mulberry contains many minerals and vitamins.


Boysenberry juice has a gentle natural laxative action on your bowel. When your constipation is mild, this juice will help move things in your colon.


Mix ½ cup of distilled water and ½ cup of blackberries. Drink this first thing in the morning to promote peristaltic movement. Drink this often and it will make you regular.

Blackberries are high in vitamin C.


Cherries are high in antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and many other minerals, which are effective in neutralizing body acid. Cherries contain vitamins B-1, B-2, folic acid and niacin.

Cherries have laxative effects and can start peristaltic action.

Eat fresh cherries throughout the day or drink three 8 oz glasses of cherry juice during the day.

Buy cherry juice in glass container.

Elderberry Juice

Can be used to help reduce the symptoms of colds, flu, and diabetes. It also helps to relieve constipation, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids. Drink 1-2 glasses each day. Increase the quantity if necessary.

Drinking any of these juices between meals will help you to get rid of constipation and keep your bowels moving.


Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Constipation Go here for more free tips: Constipation Information

Constipation Home Remedies Using Juices


Study Natural Treatment of Constipation - How to Get Rid of it Fast a lot more

Natural Treatment of Constipation - How to Get Rid of it Fast

Constipation In Dogs

The natural treatment of constipation needs to start off by looking for the cause. Once you know the cause, and take appropriate action, then you stand the best chance of permanent resolution. But trying to work out the cause can be a maze. However, once you understand a few basic ideas, then you are well on the road to recovery.

Constipation occurs in a part of your digestive tract. This means it must be diet related. A simple change of diet may be all that is necessary to resolve your constipation.

Humans are omnivores. Omnivores are those who can survive on either animal or plant based diets, or a mixture of both, depending on where in the scale you are.

You can tell where a species is in the omnivore range by their teeth and the length of their intestines.

Dogs are also omnivores. Their teeth are almost identical to those of cats, the true carnivores. Dogs also have quite short intestines. Raw meat (as opposed to cooked meat) digests fast. Plant material is more fibrous and digests more slowly.

Humans have teeth akin to horses (a true herbivore). Humans also have quite a long intestine, much longer (in comparison) to a dog's intestines.

Therefore it seems logical to deduce that humans are at the herbivore end of the omnivores. This is also born out by looking at the diet of our closest cousins - the chimpanzees. They eat a diet that is largely plant related, but with the occasional hunting expedition.

By focussing your diet more on plant-based foods and less on animal-based foods, you are likely to be able to totally reverse your constipation. The provisos being that the plant-based foods are whole foods (not processed) and has a high raw content.

Another cause of constipation can be that you are dehydrated. Drinking an optimum quantity (preferably water, but not totally necessary) through the day will ensure you remain well hydrated.

Other causes of constipation can be the lack of routine (say from travelling), new foods and emotional stresses. These can all be helped with the appropriate homeopathic remedy.

Homeopathy works by stimulating your immune system, the only effective way you are able to restore natural, good health.

Do you want to learn more about natural good health, in particular homeopathy? Download my free report 'An Introduction to Some Common Homeopathic Remedies' here: Good Health Naturally

Madeleine Innocent is a full time consultant homeopath and homeopathic coach. Visit Madeleine here: http://www.twolegsandfour.com/index7.html

Read through Emergency Diarrhea and Constipation Treatment For All Dogs far more

Dog Diarrhea And Constipation Emergency Cure When the Doctor Is Not Available.

There is an immediate, safe cure that can be used in emergencies right at home using a natural product found at the grocery store. I have used this "quick fix" at least five times with great success on my senior 14 year old lab. First, if the diarrhea has come on suddenly, consider if you have made any changes to diet or if the dog ate something it should not have. Also keep in mind is that cheaper brand dog foods often cause diarrhea or constipation along with a sudden switch in diet.

Pumpkin for Diarrhea and Constipation

It is quite strange that canned pureed pumpkin 100% natural UNSWEETENED canned pumpkin) can work wonders for both the occasional bout of diarrhea and will also cure the opposite, constipation in dogs. I've used it over the last two years with great success it firms up dog's loose stools or diarrhea within a few hours. When diarrhea first begins, stop feeding all foods immediately and keep water nearby. Depending on the size of the dog, a couple of teaspoons of pumpkin for a small dog or a couple of tablespoons for a larger dog. Make sure that there is FRESH water always available. If your dog will not eat it the pumpkin, add some brown rice with a small amount of finely shredded chicken breast for flavor and scent. If your dog has chronic diarrhea seek medical help as it can be life threatening.

In most almost cases, dogs get a bout of diarrhea when they eat something that is not good for their stomachs which is human food. Table left overs "scraps" or deserts can wreak disaster with your pet, so don't think that you are doing them favors when you give them a "treat". For example, ice cream is a bad culprit while spicy or salty foods can cause major problems too.

In conclusion:

Feed your dog a good high quality diet - the best possible grade of pet food that you can afford. Proper supplements are a must nowadays with all the Cheap dog foods are filled with cheap vegetables, carbohydrates and high levels of salt which pass straight through your dog. Bottom line: If you put in rubbish, rubbish will come out. Very important is that diarrhea can also be caused by dairy intake in dogs due to lactose intolerance. Dogs and puppies should not be given milk to drink or ice cream. Try to steer away from people food. They say that a good, high quality diet can keep any dog alive for at least 20 years. Good food, exercise and diet can improve a pet's life and extend it too! If your dog is having a severe bout with diarrhea, the first and best way to address the problem is to call or take the dog to the vet right away. Diarrhea may lead to the loss of fluids in the body. And that can be a near fatal condition for your dog especially if it is a puppy!

Dogs and cats should be thought of like babies that never grow up and require attention observation as close as possible so you can insure that nothing goes wrong - they can't talk and it has been discovered that animals are pretty tough and stoic. You would not feed a baby table human food like fried chicken, meatloaf, spaghetti, bacon, or doughnuts would you? This is exactly why aliments like dog constipation and diarrhea occur.

Constipation In Dogs

The author, Paul Goo, is the creator of Surf Simulators Hawaii and a recognized product/development designer. He holds several product patents and created products from Hawaiian Bagels and Chef Kahuna Sauces featured in COSTCO all the way to products sold in Kaybee Toy stores. His company has licensed/created products for retailers such as Costco, Alberstons, etc.

His latest quest is to help discover and research alternatives to helping his aging 4 year old Labrador. A new site [http://www.mydogcure.com] has been created to share his knowledge with other pet owners.

Emergency Diarrhea and Constipation Treatment For All Dogs

Constipation In Dogs

Go through Quick Relief For Travel Constipation - Never Get Constipated On The Road Again much more

Travel for some reason tends to constipate a great number of people.

Even if you normally don't suffer from constipation, you may be somebody who gets constipated when you go on a trip away from home.

I suffered from travel related constipation for years. Talk about uncomfortable.

Constipation while traveling can make your trip painful, awkward and physically take a toll on you.

If you are like me, you may behave differently and undergo major schedule changes when you travel. This may cause your normal daily bowel movement routine to get thrown off.

When you travel you are already out of your usual comfort zone and then if your body gets all stopped up - you can really feel awful.

There are quite a few factors that may cause you to get constipated when you travel:

-Your normal diet may not be followed

-Your usual timing of your meals is thrown out of whack

-You may have limited access to restrooms

-Long car trips and dry air on airplanes can make you dehydrated, which contributes to constipation

Here are a few things you can do to avoid travel constipation and help your colon to work more effectively while traveling:

-Increase your fiber intake a few days before you travel to get your body eliminating the waste with greater ease

-Pack some healthy high fiber food with you when you travel so you will not be so likely to grab fast food that contributes to constipation. Raw vegetables and fruits are great and the fiber will fill you up and help keep you regular

-Eat every few hours while traveling and don't skip meals

-Stay active throughout your trip. Try to walk around as much as you can and move your body around.

-Drink lots of water. Travel can dehydrate you and cause constipation.

So what can you do if you follow the above tips and you still suffer from travel constipation?

I have found a natural method that gives me quick relief for travel constipation every single time.

My reliable quick relief for travel constipation is to use a natural colon cleanser that gives me natural healthy dependable bowel movements when I am away from home.

After so many years of travel constipation, when I get ready for a trip my colon cleanser is now the very first thing I pack to be sure I never suffer from constipation on the road again.


To receive more information about my quick relief for travel constipation click below

quick relief for travel constipation

quick remedy for constipation


Quick Relief For Travel Constipation - Never Get Constipated On The Road Again


Read Natural Help For Constipation - Natural Constipation Products That Really Work Fast additional



Who really wants to talk about it?

No one!

However, thousands upon thousands of people are suffering from constipation right now and they desperately want relief.

I know it hard to talk about constipation but unless you know exactly what your problem is you can not fix it.

So first let us discuss some of the symptoms of constipation so you can determine whether you or your loved one is suffering with constipation.

Some symptoms of constipation are:

-trouble with beginning or finishing a bowel movement

-straining on toilet to pass a bowel movement

-your stool is very hard when you can finally go

-bad cramps in your abdomen

-excessive gas and bloating

-swollen abdomen, headache or decrease in appetite

After you have determined that constipation is your problem, now what can you do to get rid of it?

There are many solutions to constipation.

Some are healthy and natural.

Some are chemically based, unhealthy and can actually hurt you more than the constipation can.

Most people prefer natural constipation products and remedies.

Some options for natural help for constipation are:

-add more fiber to your diet (fruits and vegetable and whole grains are a great start)

-get regular exercise each day - this helps your bowels work better

-drink lots of fluids throughout your day (drink more water and juicer and avoid dehydrating caffeinated fluids)

-get in the habit of going to the toilet at the same time every day - give yourself plenty of time in the bathroom

-avoid drug store laxatives - they can actually damage your bowel and colon with long term use

Natural help for constipation such as eating a more healthy diet, avoiding processed foods, getting daily exercise and drinking lots of fluids can assist in combating constipation long term.

I suffered from constipation for years until I found the best natural help for constipation.

If you want fast relief to get rid of constipation naturally & healthy visit our site and learn more right now.



natural help for constipation


natural constipation products

Natural Help For Constipation - Natural Constipation Products That Really Work Fast

Read Senior Dog Food - Make Sure Your Older Dog Gets the Nutrients He Needs more

Unfortunately, our pets life spans are much shorter than ours and a dog that is around d8 or 9 years old could be considered a senior citizen even though his looks may not show it. When your dog gets a little older, his nutritional needs change so you want to be sure to feed him a good quality senior dog food.

The older dog requires a well balanced diet that is lower in calories, fat, protein with high fiber content, it may be possible to continue feeding your dog the food they are used to but smaller portions are advisable. In some cases a specially formulated senior diet may be required, if choosing a commercially prepared diet the level of protein is around 18% where as dogs with a diet for renal failure is around 14% protein.

The older dog has a higher risk of developing constipation, so a diet high in fiber is far better for the senior dog. Feeding dry dog food helps to control tartar build up on his teeth and reduces the risk of gum disease.

Older dogs can benefit from added supplements as their nutritional needs change with age, and unfortunately they, like humans can be prone to arthritis. If you think your dog is not receiving adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals through his food it may be worth consulting your vet for advice about which supplements to give your dog. If, for instance, the animal has oral disease they may not receive their daily needs of vitamins and minerals.

If you have a dog suffering with constipation wheat bran is a good source of fiber to use or you can try a senior dog food that is formulated to have more fiber. Sometimes, aging dogs can get a bit thinner but if your dog starts to look incredibly thinner quickly and lacks appetite this needs immediate attention from the vet to rule out any possible disease problems. If everything turns out normal then you may be advised to modify your dog's diet in order to get him to eat more.

Those of you who feed dry food may notice your senior dog having a hard time chewing the food. Try feeding a food that has smaller sized kibble or moisten the food with water making them softer and easier to chew. If you warm any canned or moistened food in the microwave to increase the aroma and your dog's appetite, always be sure to stir the food before serving to avoid any hot pockets in the food.

To tempt the animal you could always try adding the juice from tinned tuna or sardines not those in tomato juice though. Another tempting teaser is to add some finely chopped cooked chicken and mix them around in the dry food; this may help to increase their appetite or finely chopped vegetables like carrot, cabbage can be tempting and have some added vitamins as well.

Finding a good senior dog food that has the adequate nutrients for your dog is important for his continued good health and longevity so when your dog gets to his "golden years", take the time to assess his nutritional needs and find a food that meets them.

Constipation In Dogs

Lee Dobbins is an avid dog lover who has owned many different types of dogs from a 90 pound Shepherd mix to a pure bred Pomeranian. She shares her years of research and experience in an Ebook and newsletter which you can download for FREE at [http://www.dogcareandtrainingtips.com]

Senior Dog Food - Make Sure Your Older Dog Gets the Nutrients He Needs

Go through Curing Dog Constipation With Home Remedies a lot more

Most people in life will face constipation at one point or another, and the same happens to dogs. Poor diet and not exercising are two of the main causes of constipation in dogs (also common causes for constipation in humans). While many people spend time seeking the various ways to get rid of constipation in their lives, let's take a moment to cover some dog constipation remedies.

Having a good diet and getting plenty of exercise are every important for dogs, and can help avoid constipation for dogs. Dogs living in the home need to be walked a minimum of two times daily. If you find your dog is constipated try adding a teaspoon of bran to all his meals, which should make his bowel movements occur much more frequently.

Another home remedy for dog constipation is to add psyllium into the dog's diet. Half of a teaspoon added two times a day works wonders, with the addition of drinking extra water the constipation should be completely gone. Mineral oil is another option is adding psyllium to the diet doesn't work. Make sure to include meats and vegetables in your dog's diet, and to make sure you add enough water to your dog's food.

Many times feces can get tangled up in long dog hair, so it's best to keep your pet groomed and up-kept. Dogs are known for eating everything they see, it's your job to make sure they don't eat and swallow any bones. It's a known fact that almost all kinds of dogs, all breeds and sizes, are prone to becoming constipated. Do not feed your dog from your dinner table under any circumstances. Even giving him a few pieces of your food contributes and adds your pet's constipation.

There are certain foods that cause constipation; these foods contain rice, dairy, sugar, and abnormally high levels of protein. Sweets and treats often times cause constipation in dogs. Not having enough fiber also causes dog constipation. Mega colon is a common problem found in dogs which causes constipation. With this disorder the colon is enlarged, making regular bowel movements much harder.

If your dog begins to discharge blood, even in small amounts, you need to take them to the vet. Keeping your dog healthy is extremely important in helping your dog live a long and happy life.

Learn more about warts on dogs at DogWarts.Org. Read the articles on causes of warts on dogs.

Curing Dog Constipation With Home Remedies

Constipation In Dogs