Study Natural Treatment of Constipation - How to Get Rid of it Fast a lot more

Natural Treatment of Constipation - How to Get Rid of it Fast

Constipation In Dogs

The natural treatment of constipation needs to start off by looking for the cause. Once you know the cause, and take appropriate action, then you stand the best chance of permanent resolution. But trying to work out the cause can be a maze. However, once you understand a few basic ideas, then you are well on the road to recovery.

Constipation occurs in a part of your digestive tract. This means it must be diet related. A simple change of diet may be all that is necessary to resolve your constipation.

Humans are omnivores. Omnivores are those who can survive on either animal or plant based diets, or a mixture of both, depending on where in the scale you are.

You can tell where a species is in the omnivore range by their teeth and the length of their intestines.

Dogs are also omnivores. Their teeth are almost identical to those of cats, the true carnivores. Dogs also have quite short intestines. Raw meat (as opposed to cooked meat) digests fast. Plant material is more fibrous and digests more slowly.

Humans have teeth akin to horses (a true herbivore). Humans also have quite a long intestine, much longer (in comparison) to a dog's intestines.

Therefore it seems logical to deduce that humans are at the herbivore end of the omnivores. This is also born out by looking at the diet of our closest cousins - the chimpanzees. They eat a diet that is largely plant related, but with the occasional hunting expedition.

By focussing your diet more on plant-based foods and less on animal-based foods, you are likely to be able to totally reverse your constipation. The provisos being that the plant-based foods are whole foods (not processed) and has a high raw content.

Another cause of constipation can be that you are dehydrated. Drinking an optimum quantity (preferably water, but not totally necessary) through the day will ensure you remain well hydrated.

Other causes of constipation can be the lack of routine (say from travelling), new foods and emotional stresses. These can all be helped with the appropriate homeopathic remedy.

Homeopathy works by stimulating your immune system, the only effective way you are able to restore natural, good health.

Do you want to learn more about natural good health, in particular homeopathy? Download my free report 'An Introduction to Some Common Homeopathic Remedies' here: Good Health Naturally

Madeleine Innocent is a full time consultant homeopath and homeopathic coach. Visit Madeleine here: